July 30, 2019

Using Argon for Password Hashes

Include the argon2-jvm dependency in your build.boot or project.clj file.

[de.mkammerer/argon2-jvm "2.5"]

In the module you need to use argon hashes, import the necessary classes in you namespace (ns) declaration:


Now you can generate a hash or verify if a string matches a hash like below:

(defonce ^:private ^:const arg2-iterations 8)
(defonce ^:private ^:const arg2-memory 65536)
(defonce ^:private ^:const arg2-parallelism 1)

(defn- argon2-hash
  "Hash string with Argon2id"
  (.hash argon2 arg2-iterations arg2-memory arg2-parallelism str-to-be-hashed))

(defn- argon2-verify
  "verify argon2-hash(plaintext_str) == hashed_str"
  [hashed-str plaintext-str]
  (.verify argon2 hashed-str plaintext-str))

Adjust the arg2-iterations, arg2-memory and arg2-parallelism as needed!

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